Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Live where you fear


"Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious." - Rumi*

In the days since LRC, I've been thinking about how to apply what I learned to my life as a whole. I keep coming back to the basic assumption that you can do whatever you want, and asking myself what I would want to do, big or small, if I believed that I could do absolutely anything.

Especially since starting my new job and finally seeing "Editor" on my business card (one of my life's dreams), it's not like I'm unhappy where I am. But I do wonder if I could be doing work that will leave more of a legacy, or be more meaningful and rewarding for myself and the world. I'm also a little jealous of friends who are heading to grad school and wondering if that's where I want to go, too.

So, here's a list of dream jobs that are swimming in my mind. Who knows, maybe I'll get a chance to do all of these!

If money was no object, I'd definitely try to get into the Ph.D. program at MIT. Studying linguistics under Noam Chomsky? Definitely a dream opportunity.

I've also read good things about the program at University of Hawaii. Can't beat the location, and they specialize in preserving endangered languages in the Pacific islands — a noble pursuit that would make a difference.

Yoga instructor
What? Well, I haven't been doing much yoga lately, and I've never been a full-on yogi with a regular practice, but yoga makes me feel better than anything else, and I think being a teacher would be a fantastic way to help other people feel good and open their minds. At 200 hours and around $3,000 for basic certification, this might be a little cheaper than MIT. But enough of boring practicalities — I can do anything!

This is another dream that I've carried since high school (the other was to be a magazine editor — a path I'm currently on). I love the transformation of metal from solid into liquid and back into solid. I love how silver looks so dirty, then polishes up to a brilliant shine. I like pretty shiny things. I've wanted a place to set up a casting centrifuge for years ... maybe this will be the year ...

Teaching English abroad
My awesome cousin Lois taught in Japan for many years, and I've always thought this would be a fantastic way to escape from America, live like a local in another land, and do something positive while basically getting paid to travel — my favorite thing to do, ever. Costa Rica is a dream destination.

*I came across this quote while looking at yoga teacher training options in Portland. I love it!

1 comment:

thatjoliegirl said...

So much Smartwick! Am I dreaming? :) I vote for yoga teacher/jeweler. Then I could take classes from you all the time. I've also thought about grad school, but I just can't muster the energy to give it too much thought. I figure if I can't even bring myself to really think about it then I have no business going back. It just seems too hard...