Friday, May 02, 2008

Hero panties smell like hero butt

That was just one of the many profund thoughts to come out of Ladies Rock Camp (our edited graffiti, barely visible in the photo above). Here's a photo gallery put together by our keyboardist's partner. You can tell from the photos that three of our bandmates are longtime friends — but I swear, I was in this band, too!

Here we see Sensitive Teeth in their native setting (the RnRC4G parking lot). Bunnies (and a cat and a hobo) live there, too!

Some other highlights:

Those are some sweet cupcakes! Amanda, reclining by the sugary treats, taught the sound/gear workshop and worked the board a lot.

Amanda and Beth Ditto kicked off karaoke night with "Jackson." Did I mention that Beth Ditto was there?! Singing?!

Red shoes rock!


thatjoliegirl said...

I love that picture of the band together on the grass. Yeah, not too many pictures of you in that photo album. I can testify; you were in the band. They couldn't have rocked as hard without you. The video Greg took is sooo good! I can't wait for you to see it. Definitely watch the larger file first. The quality is much better.

jewel mari said...

I always knew you were born to rock and am glad to hear you're imparting that awesomeness on a new generation. I'll admit, though, that I'm feeling a little sad/incomplete that I haven't heard your stellar band yet. When will you be playing basements or venues?

- The M.A.D. Hapa said...

Ha! We were wondering who fixed the graffiti.

Great band pic. Any idea what happened to the shots the official photographer shot? I suggested one for Carbon Arc and I'm curious how it turned out. We all leaned up against the chain link fence and looked different directions (yeah, stole that last bit from South Park)

- The M.A.D. Hapa said...


I'm in yer blog uplowding yer videoz.

smartwick said...

Thanks for the video link. I have another video I need to upload... I think the photog said it'd take a month or so to get the band photos online, since she shoots film. Can't wait to see Carbon Arc!

jean said...

Those are great shots of your band! Who did those?